Happy 2017! 

Happy New Year! And congratulations to everyone who made it through to 2016.

To be honest, 2016 wasn’t a bad year for me. Sure, I’m still a little lost and bad things have happened but I also met new and good people that I consider quite special to me.

2016 has been one hell of a ride, and we all can agree on that. We lost some great treasures along the way (Bowie, Carrie Fisher, Alan Rickman and Prince) and with Brexit and Trump we don’t know how to feel about the world we’re living in right now.

Through all the pain and heartbreak, there has been ups too and these are all personal to us. Personally, I started university and I love it even though the stuff we’re doing is hard it’s enjoyable. I also made great friends, and left behind some people who were toxic and I don’t know if it was the right thing to do but none the less  it happened. I’m slightly happier than before. I laugh more and smile more thanks to a few people in my life and I’m sure you’ve all had those moments where someone or something made you smile.

2016 may have been a bad year for you overall, but try to remember that one time you were happy during this year and you won’t find it all that bad. Bad always outweighs the good, but it doesn’t have to. Love yourself and carry on laughing.

Stay strong for 2017 and have fun!

– H.E